Ford F550's Chasis cab is the number one Super Duty Chassis available on the market. Its popularly among agencies worldwide such as banks/commercial/corporate companies. The vehicle is completely armored and it has a substantial payload capacity. You can provide us the vehicle for armoring or request from our stock. In addition to the standard armoring, additional custom modifications as well as customized configurations are also available. Such as changing the color or fitting an extra equipment for auxiliary support or gunport placements etc.
Engine Type: 6.7L V8 / 6.8L V10.
Output: 362 hp to 400 hp.
Dimensions: W - 2,438mm | L - 6,000mm | H - 2,378mm.
Wheelbase: 3,576 mm.
Drive Configuration: 4WD / RWD.
Fuel Type: Petrol / Diesel.
Seats: 3 (2+1 Standard or According to the client`s interest).
Recommended Armoring Protection Level: B6.
Class-Leading High-strength Lightweight Armor Plating.
Multi-layered OEM inspired Curved Ballistic Glass for windshield and door windows.
Durable High-Strength Vault construction according to the Ballistic Standards.
Blast protected flooring and roofing using High-intensity MIG Welding.
Multi-layered and Polycarbonate Coating for transparent areas.
Protection for the Fuel tank, Tailpipe, Radiator, Battery and the Control Module of the Engine.
Reinforced Doors and Pillars with Heavy-duty Hinges.
Suspension and Brake System upgradations to compensate the additional weight of the Armor.
Optional Gun ports for Guard compartment.
Run Flat Tyres.