Armored Chevrolet Suburban is a large size SUV but can also be considered as full-size, extended-length sports utility vehicle. It is an ideal private security vehicle. We can also equip the vehicle with optional features if requested. You can provide us the vehicle for armoring or request from our stock. In addition to the standard armoring, additional custom modifications are also possible. Such as changing the color or fitting an extra equipment for auxiliary support etc. Please note that we offer armor solution for any model of the vehicle.
Engine Type: 5.3L V8.
Transmission: Automatic | Manual.
Dimensions : W - 2,000mm | L - 5,660mm | H - 1,930mm.
Wheelbase: 3,300mm.
Drive Configuration: 4WD.
Fuel Type: Petrol / Diesel.
Seats: 7 (2 + 3 + 3).
Recommended Armoring Protection Level: B6.
In-house design complemented by High-Strength Lightweight Armor Plating.
For Windshield & Door Windows: Multi-layered Ballistic Glass.
Multi-layered Polycarbonate Coating for transparent areas.
Roof and Floor Armor plating by High-intensity MIG Welding.
Reinforced Doors and Pillars with Heavy-duty Hinges: designed for extended longevity and easy maintenance.
Protection for the Fuel tank, Tailpipe, Radiator, Battery and the Control Module of the Engine.
Suspension and Brake System upgradations to compensate the additional weight of the Armor.
Run Flat Tyres.